10 Dos and Don’ts for Summer Open Houses – Boulder Colorado

Ask Tara @Trulia By Tara-Nicholle Nelson    begins her article of the 10 dos and don’t of ‘Open Houses’:  ‘Tis the season for Open Houses, though, so we thought we’d pick up where Mom and Dad left off, tipping you off to a list of pointers for both buyers and sellers about what to do – and what not to do – at this summer’s Open Houses.

Do:  Use Open Houses as a convenient time for touring homes with your agent.

Do:  Open every door.

Don’t: Open every drawer.

Do:  Offer hospitality to buyers.

Don’t: Overdo the hospitality.

Do:  Intensively clean and de-odorize the place.

Don’t: Overdo the sensory staging.

Don’t:  Underdo the home prep/curb appeal, landscaping, exterior prep.

Do:  Make sure there are smart print-outs and flyers for buyers to take away, and basic documentation buyers will want to see.

Do:  Take the take-aways.

click here for the full details of Tara’s article

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