Ironman Athletes: Welcome to Boulder!

Ironman Athletes, Welcome to Boulder, Colorado. We’re thrilled to have you here, testing your strength and will power against your competitors and the elements. We hope you find the scenery and this fabulous environment to your liking. You’ll find many of the local residents here are just like you, enjoying the great outdoors and living the ACTIVE LIFESTYLE.

Shirley prepares for the ironman Boulder Competition weeks in advance by eating as much of Boulder's Greener Grass as is Bovinely possible.

Shirley prepares for the ironman Boulder Competition weeks in advance by eating as much of Boulder’s Greener Grass as is Bovinely possible.

Shirley, taking an early lead against the Males of our species, swims against the "Human Tide" of competition at this year's Ironman Boulder Event.

Shirley, taking an early lead, swimming against the human competition at this year’s Ironman Boulder.



Shirley makes a move to cut off a Human on a sharp left curve. While she did not win this race, she proved that Bovines can manage bikes too.

Shirley makes a move to cut off a Human on a sharp left curve. While she did not win this race, she proved that Bovines can manage bikes too.

Shirley, running full tilt towards the Finish Line, nearly catches up to the Female winner at this year's Ironman Boulder Competition.

Shirley, running full tilt towards the Finish Line, nearly catches up to the Female winner at this year’s Ironman Boulder Competition.

Serving Boulder’s Real Estate Market for 27 Years

Like many things in life, the real estate market is always be changing. Boulder is different, however. The Grass is Greener in Boulder! The Real Estate market here in beautiful Boulder, Colorado is as healthy and strong as it’s residents. Cliff Daniels, Realtor, has called Boulder his home for over 36 years, and has served Boulder Real Estate for over 27 years. Cliff knows Boulder and will not only help you find your new home, but how to prepare for your new Boulder Lifestyle. Contact Cliff to LEARN MORE ABOUT BOULDER REAL ESTATE>