Top (10) Real Estate Deal Breakers – Boulder, Colorado

Buyers have found the home of their dreams, started packing their stuff and have mentally moved in when suddenly a challenge arises that could put a serious wrench in the home buying process. In today’s market, finding the home is only the start of a transaction that can have many stumbling blocks along the way.

Ginger Wilcox, is Head of Training at Trulia. Ginger has sold real estate in California and Arizona, and covers in her article the 10 following line items, and how to avoid them.  Her article can be found in full detail on Truila, and the link below.

Here are the top 10 deal breakers buyers and sellers encounter that can impact the sale of a home, and how to avoid them when you click onto: 

10 RE Deal Breakers link


1. Fixtures and Personal Property Pitfalls

2. The dreaded ex-wife/husband

3. Buyers Buying “Stuff”

4. Failure To Disclose

5. Appraisal Nightmares

6. Who Owns What?

7. No permits

8. Unexpected inspection findings

9. The lender changed the rules

10. The bank doesn’t care